The originality of Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration is that it integrates a whole process and procedure of touch into the psychotherapeutic process. This method therefore has a special place in the field of bodypsychotherapy.
In PPI the therapeutic touch, through stimulation of the layers of fascia, allows the opening of specific dimensions of experience and history of the body and its different parts.
In the process of the sessions, bodymind connections become apparent linking memories, physical tensions, sensations and emotions. As in every psychotherapy, the client goes deeper into their own self. The main difference to verbal therapies is the role of the body in the process. The interaction between the spoken words, the sensations experienced and the emotions felt becomes deeper. The clients therefore get a greater felt sense of themselves, their inner resources and their inner tensions. Hidden wounds and old sufferings from personal family history are consciously expressed in the body.
In the presence of a supportive therapist, the clients can release the weight of emotional charge which holds them down and often, like a keystone, links different webs of tension in the bodymind. The result can be a lightening and softening and greater sense of aliveness.
To engage aliveness is a fundamental strength of PPI:
The client is regularly encouraged to allow movements, sounds, words to emerge, to allow the breath to come and go, to allow emotions ...
The clients are at the centre of their psychotherapeutic process; it is they who take a stand in reality, whether that reality be hopelessness, suffering, self-rejection or a sense of ease and acceptance.
The method follows the client and adapts to each client; it is not a predefined process, nor a standard procedure.
Practitioners of Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration (PPI) are trained to work in a respectful and interactive body-psychotherapeutic manner with their clients. They use a variety of somatic (body-psychotherapeutic) methods - breath and deep tissue work, focusing on the body and self-awareness techniques, emotional expression and integration as well as the tools of transference and countertransference work. The practitioners of Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration (PPI) need to be able to bring professional knowledge and experience tempered by their ability to bring themselves with personal feelings and attitudes held (in a self-aware manner) into the exchange with the clients.
For more details on current PPI trainings go to: