A minimum of 700 hours in 3 years is required. ICPIT also offers Advanced Trainings, Teachers and Supervisors Trainings and CPD (Continued Professional Development programs)
- Support is given in well organized classes and through specialised forums, etc.
Members of ICPIT, certified Trainers in Postural Integration®, Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration, Energetic Integration®, Pelvic-Heart Integration® are allowed to train and through ICPIT certify Practitioners. This guarantees that a practitioner certified in any of these disciplines has received the best possible training, works within an International Peer Community and has reached the highest possible standard of training
Training and Supervision in the methods of Bodymind (PsychoCorporal) Integration is available in several European Countries, in Mexico, South Africa, ... Please contact the secretariat or any of the trainers in specific countries for more details. You can also find information on our Facebook page

- Advanced Postural Integration is specialised work with the "diaphragms of body balance". This "core" work offered by highly trained practitioners serves the release and integration of the most stubborn holding patterns in the bodymind. If you are looking for a Master Practitioner, please contact the secretariat for a list of practitioners in your area.
Master Practitioners are those practitioners who took our Advanced Postural Integration or Advanced Somatics training. This extraordinary training given by a TEAM of senior PsychoCorporal Integration Trainers gives a BOOST to the scientific and practical knowledge of the Practitioners of Postural (as well as the Psychotherapeutic Practitioners), Energetic and Pelvic Heart Integration. For more information, look elsewhere or contact us

- Trainers of PsychoCorporal Integration have not only gone through a standard training in Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration® or Pelvic-Heart Integration®, but also the Master Training, a Teachers and Supervisors training. They have gradually been developing their competence through the stages of Helper Trainer, Assistant Trainer and finally Trainer within an International Community of Peers. Trainers are registered psychotherapists.
We are also engaged to train Supervisors and Future Teachers (Trainers) in the field of Bodymind Integration. This unparalleled domain of practice and expertise needs all our attention. Working with human complexity on all levels (body, emotions, thoughts) is not anything that is gained overnight. We are providing continuous support and education for practitioners, Master Practitioners, Helpers, Assistants and Trainers over years

As a Council, we are dedicated to propel "Bodymind Integration" into future generations. We are available to teach future trainers of Bodymind Integration (whether it be in Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration® or Pelvic Heart Integration® as well as specific Psychotherapeutic Adaptations of these methods

- Robert Hall, MD from the Lomi School called Jack Painter's work “A major contribution to western psychology”. Ron Kurtz, who founded the Hakomi institute said: “...Goes beyond any of the models I’m familiar with.”
Relevant books and articles on the subject of Bodymind Integration have been written by Jack W. Painter, PhD and other trainers. Jack's Standard works: "Deep Bodywork and Personal Development" and "Technical Manual of Postural Integration" are written in the 1980s, but are still very actual; ICPIT trainers together wrote a book, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Postural Integration: It is called "Transformation of the Self with Bodymind Integration" and is available through Amazon and being translated into French, Italian and Farsi.

- In life there are moments when one sees the future. This is such a book. Dedicated to the life's work of Dr Jack Painter, I not only got a glimpse of the future, it was explained. Its history, methodology and practical applications set out in easy readable language. Body-psychotherapy is truely coming of age and its future is bright. In a world where the challenges are huge and sustainability and the way forward are elusive .... here are some answers and direction. While reading this book my own limits and abilities were stretched and remoulded into a new form. A must read for all in the field of Humanities.
Jack Painter:
The extraordinary power of Postural Integration lies in the willingness of the practitioner to work with the client on many levels at the same time. It is like conducting an orchestra, bringing one section of the self to the fore, and then another, without losing a sense of the full harmony of the self. As I encounter the body with my hands, loosening the deep muscular tensions, I look into my client’s eyes. And as I apply pressure, I ask that person to share through sound movement and words what is happening – what is sensed, felt, and thought.” (p.30)