ICPIT members books and other publications
ICPIT Published Book
Transformation of the Self with Bodymind Integration
- Edited by Rita Erken and Bernhard Schlage
- with contributions from Rosa Maria Sevilla, Niall O'Siochain, Massimo Soldati, Carmine Piroli, Dirk Marivoet, Silke Ziehl, ...
- ISBN- 978-3-926396-67-9
- transformation_of_the_self_preview
- shop: https://www.bernhardschlage.de/transformation/
Books by Jack Painter in different languages
- Deep Bodywork and Personal Development
- Technical Manual of Postural Integration
- Manuel Technique d'Intégration Posturale
- l'Intégration Posturale
- Diep Lichaamswerk en Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling
- Technisch Handboek voor Postural Integration
- Integracion Postural
- Handbuch: Körperabeit und Persönliche Entwicklung
- Bookshop: https://www.bernhardschlage.de/pi-painter/
- Jack Painter, Il Massaggio in Profondità.
Pubblicato: edizione italiana gennaio 1983
Editore: Sugarco
Codice ISBN: 9788856805925
- Jack W. Painter, Postural Integration, Indføring i holistic kopsindsterapi, Borgen, ISBN 87-418-5565-2
ICPIT Members' Books
In Italian
- Massimo Soldati:
- Corpo e Cambiamento.
Pubblicato: 1 edizione aprile 2000, 2 edizione settembre 2007
Editore: Tecniche Nuove
Codice ISBN: 978-88-481-1040-2G. - Sviluppare il potenziale
Aavv: Gandolfi , A. Baroli, F. Falzoni Gallerani, L. Muti, M. Paret, A. Pasinato, M. Soldati, E. Zucchi
Pubblicato: 1a edizione 2009
Editore: Franco Angeli
Codice ISBN: 9788856805925 - Il corpo per sviluppare l’eccellenza
Pubblicato: Gennaio 2014
Editore: Ebook AIPT.
http://integrazioneposturale.com/cosa-e-la-psicologia-corporea/ - La tua formazione con noi
Pubblicato: Novembre 2015
Editore: Ebook AIPT.
Cecilia Edelstein (a cura di)
M@gm@ vol.15 n.2 Maggio-Agosto 2017
M@GM@ ISSN 1721-9809 http://www.magma.analisiqualitativa.com/1502/index.htm
- Corpo e Cambiamento.
- Carmine Piroli:
Carmine Piroli, Claudia Montanari, Antonio Iannazzo
Il corpo integrato. Teorie e tecniche psicocorporee nella psicoterapia e nel counselling
Pubblicato: 2010
Editore: ASPIC
ISBN: 8896399009 - Bernhard Schlage:
Past-Members' Books
- Guidon, Marco & Guidon Doris, Postural Integration, Trias (2001), ISBN-10: 343104008X, ISBN-13: 978-3431040081
- Bookshop: https://www.bernhardschlage.de/pi-guidon/
- Guidon, Marco & Guidon Doris, Integracion Postural, Arkano Books (2005)
Books by other authors referring to Postural Integration
In Spanish
- Lachica, Fernando Ortiz: ''Psicoterapia corporal'' Bases teóricas de la práctica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, (2016). ISBN 978-607-9472-27-6 .(Jack Painter (PI) mentioned on pp. 3, 17, 62, 92, 114, 115, 138, 169; Sevilla, Rosa Maria: mentioned on p.114)
ICPIT Member's and Past-Member's Articles
In English
- Bernhard Schlage:
- Touch and affect regulation Skills and tools for body oriented psychotherapy in trauma therapeutic context - Particularly in relation to methods of postural integration
- http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/body-image-disorders-eabp.html
- http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/fascia-pleasure-of-touching.html
- http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/dreaming-pathways-in-psychotherapy.html
- http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/report-of-the-world-congress-of-psychotherapy.html
- http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/reader-postural-integration.html
- final article.yearbook Bernhard Schlage (2016), The Pleasure of Touch. A suggested correlation between the change of the surface of cell membranes and the effectiveness of bodywork methods. Yearbook Structural Integration. pp. 99-106
- http://www.ibpj.org/archive.php Bernhard Schlage (2017) About a Good End. How to end (body) psychotherapy and why this is hardly ever talked about. International Body Psychotherapy Journal The Art and Science of Somatic Praxis Volume 16, Number 1, Spring 2017 pp 16 - 27. ISSN 2169-4745 Printing, ISSN 2168-1279 Online
- 2018_01_beruherung-affektregulation
- Schlage, Bernhard (2018), 3 Case Studies about Body Psychotherapy; in: Young, Courtenay (Editor); The Body Psychotherapy Case Studies; Body Psychotherapy Publications, 60 Earlston Road, Stow, Scottish Borders, Scotland UK, TD1 2QT pp. 89 - 114
In Spanish
- Bernhard Schlage:
In Italian
- Bernhard Schlage:
In German
- Bernhard Schlage:
ICPIT Member's and Past-Member's Talks and Presentations
• Jack Painter Interview/Demo: https://photos.app.goo.gl/oGnK3XZaMteLyGdm6
- Rosa Maria Sevilla: On Sexual Grounding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGb6hxiA2g&list=PL_utCZV-sRWPXuBiDTVj584q3bEmLd_50
- Massimo Soldati: Corpo Porta dello Spirito: https://youtu.be/XBU9vp_xf5A
- Massimo Soldati: Corpo e Cambiamento: https://youtu.be/SdnqVDtX7Zk
- Massimo Soldati: Meditazione N.1. Qui ed ora: https://youtu.be/pAkTBHpRRw0?list=PLPiNGgnwe4kXAXEZZOvWR84C-3F7CRyFq
- Massimo Soldati: Power of Meditation Trailer: https://youtu.be/kcBCCzz6ePU
- Massimo Soldati: Metamorfosi Film Trailer: https://youtu.be/ccGwR317flE
- Beverley Wilkinson: Postural Integration Workshop: https://youtu.be/PleCBjpWc14
- Beverley Wilkinson: What's Behind Your Back and Neck Pain: https://youtu.be/8iiyvWyhlww
- Bernhard Schlage: http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/dreaming-pathways-in-psychotherapy.html
- Bernhard Schlage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txewMGjVVjM
- Bernhard Schlage: http://www.bernhardschlage.de/literatur/items/dreaming-pathways-in-psychotherapy-shamanic-dreamwork.html
- Bernhard Schlage: Eight paradigms of Body Psychotherapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ick-1VRbDks and http://www.bernhardschlage.de/videos-koerperpsychotherapie.html