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Articles of Association of ICPIT (2023)-EI

ICPIT BannerPILogo-Klein

Postural Integration section


    A. Functions: 

ICPIT (The International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers) was created in 1988 and is the sole representative and committed council of all certified, active trainers of Postural Integration® (PI) and Energetic Integration® (EI). 

Its functions are:

  • to uphold and to update our professional guidelines for the structure and duration of Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration® trainings. The Council decided not to directly supervise individual trainers in their trainings but to give overall advice and directions.
  • to support the good relations between trainers of the respective modality and to give professional and personal support to trainers
  • to approve new trainers of Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration®.
  • to establish a professional code of ethics and a complaints procedure for practitioners, clients and for those involved in the training programs of Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration®.
  • to publish and update an international registry of active Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration® trainer members.
  • to take an active and supporting role in helping trainers, to present and resolve problems in council meetings : problems which may arise in publicity, professional image, teacher-student relations, relations with other trainers and ethics.
  • to network with the international community of practitioners, clients and interested public and to publicise the activities of ICPIT and of Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration® through various media, and act as a forum for research.
  • to maintain a website and social media platforms, which communicate its projects and decisions, as well as publishing research reports and articles, and as an opportunity for trainers, practitioners and clients to share their successes and revelations with Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration®.
  • to support the local associations of Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration® in different countries and to encourage the practitioners to form national associations of practitioners.
  • to maintain an archive of valuable historical documents and videos about PI and EI.


            B. Structure:

  • The Seat of ICPIT is at the Official Council Address in Col. Americana, 44160 Guadalajara, Mexico, hereafter named “ICPIT Seat”. 
  • The Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers (ICPIT) meets on-line monthly, notified by the Secretary to convene at a date previously proposed by the members. The quorum for a Council meeting is three-fifths of the current active members. 
  • The Council meets as a general member's meeting (AGM), when called by the Secretary any time the need arises.
  • The Council has the following officers: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Administrator, Educational Support.
  • The officers are elected for 3 years.
  • The duties of the elected officers are:
    • to be responsible for implementing the functions of ICPIT as outlined in this section.
    • to plan the next general meeting of the Counci when called.
    • to coordinate the agenda items for the next general meeting which have been received from ICPIT members at least 2 months prior to the meeting.
    • to send an invitation to all the members of the Council with the agenda for the next meeting at least 6 weeks prior to that meeting.
    • to present a financial report for the previous financial year.
    • to send a report of the Council meeting to the membership.
    • to keep files at the secretary's address on Trainer Agreements and trainer reports.
    • The power of the Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers (ICPIT) lies in the attending membership in any given year plus the proxy votes. 
    • Any current full and honorary member of ICPIT may vote by proxy on an issue listed on the agenda for the next meeting, which has to be distributed 6 weeks prior to the meeting.
    • The Council has the power to change the guidelines and rules only when those changes have been announced as a topic of discussion in the agenda sent out before the meeting and the quorum has been reached.
    • The Council may only be dissolved by two thirds of the current membership through a direct or proxy vote, the proposal having been announced on the agenda prior to the meeting. The assets to be given to a selected charity.


             C. Membership:

  • Members of ICPIT are required:
    • to be certified trainers of any one or more of the following modalities: Postural Integration® or Energetic Integration®.
    • to have signed the ICPIT Trainer Agreement to follow the rules and guidelines of the Council.
    • to attend the monthly on-line meetings and a full general council meeting when called. If unable to attend the latter, to send a written report on present activities and comments on the agenda to the secretariat well in advance of the meeting.
    • to pay the annual membership fee by March 1 (currently in Europe €150; elsewhere 150 US$) each year.
  • If a member of ICPIT fails to pay the membership fee for two years, they are no longer active ICPIT members: they are therefore no longer entitled to offer trainings in Postural Integration® or Energetic Integration®, nor to join council meetings.
  • Trainers become inactive if they don’t give or plan to give a training, or don’t pay membership fees. Inactive trainers are not listed on the ICPIT website.
  • When an inactive trainer decides to start giving trainings again and when publicity about their training is announced, she or he needs to rejoin the Council (ICPIT) in order to give Postural Integration® or Energetic Integration® trainings and in order to be able to offer diplomas in any of these methods.
  • When a trainer rejoins ICPIT, she or he agrees to re-sign the current Trainer Agreement, follow the current conditions of membership of the Council and the current guidelines for trainings, pay the current membership fee, and to attend a full general council meeting when called for European trainers. For other continents, negotiations are open.
  • The year a candidate trainer worldwide applies for trainer status, she or he is required to sign the ICPIT Trainer Agreement before they can become a full trainer and join the ICPIT Council. In subsequent years they have the choice of being a member of the Council, depending on whether they are active or not.
  • On any ICPIT information only trainers who are Council members will be listed as Postural Integration® or Energetic Integration® trainers.
  • Inactive or retired trainers with students still working with practise clients, remain ICPIT Members obliged to continue to support and supervise their students to enable them fulfill the requirements needed to attain their final ICPIT Diploma of completion as Practitioner in Postural Integration® or Energetic Integration®.